W H AT I S T H E A D D R E S S O F T H E C H A L E T S ?
1030 Route du Col
La Villiaz
La Cote D’Arbroz
IN WINTER please follow Sat Nav / directions to Morzine.
When you reach Les Gets then redirect to La Maison /Chalet Address.
This avoids the quickest route to the chalet which is closed in Winter
Farley House
84 Kingsway
Chandlers Ford
SO53 1FB
W H AT I S T H E A D D R E S S O F T H E U K B A S E D O F F I C E ?
Prestige Mountain Chalets is a high-end chalet operator who believe in delivering a premium quality service for the perfect mountain getaway. We pride ourselves on creating a tailor made holiday to suit all your requirements and expectations. Attention to detail is very important to us; our professionally trained staff will go that extra mile to ensure you’re relaxed, comfortable and informed throughout your stay.
W H O A R E P R E S T I G E M O U N T A I N C H A L E T S ?
W H A T A C C O M O D A T I ON D O W E H A V E O N O F F E R ?
We have one 16-person chalet which is fully catered during the winter months and self catered during the summer.
One 6 person self catered apartment available year round.
Using both properties we can also offer exclusive occupancy for up to 22 people and offer this as a catered option, for the winter only.
We recommend you go to our website www.prestigemountainchalets.com and fill out our enquiry form in ‘contact us’. You can also enquire over the phone on 02380 266453 / 07775 866 632, or by emailing your enquiry to contact@prestigemountainchalets.com. You can also book your ski passes and ski hire through us.
Once you have booked Chalet Belle Chery, or La Maison, you will need to book your own travel and let us know your flight details. If full catered, we will then arrange your airport transfers, unless you are choosing to drive. Please note that we can only arrange transfers from Geneva Airport.
1. Complete our Online Enquiry Form from our website or contact us via phone / email
2. PMC will reply to your enquiry within 24 hours and confirm availability.
3. If available you will be sent (via email where possible) booking forms to be signed.
4. You will be asked for a 20% deposit of the total amount of your holiday. ONLY WHEN THE DEPOSIT AND BOOKING FORMS HAVE BEEN RECEIEVED WILL YOUR BOOKING BE CONFIRMED AND SECURED. (should the booking be made less than 10 weeks prior to the arrival date, then the full amount is due at time of booking)
5. You’ll then be sent our Information Pack to fill out and return, which will provide us with further information such as flight times, as well as information to help book ski passes and equipment hire, if required. This will need to be sent back 10 weeks prior to your arrival.
6. Total amount payable must be paid within 10 weeks prior to arrival
7. Confirmation of successful payment will be sent to you via email.
8. We’ll be in touch a couple of weeks before your arrival to check all is well.
W H A T' S T H E B E S T W A Y T O B O O K O U R H O L I D A Y ?
W H A T I S T H E B O O K I N G P R O C E S S ?
W H A T ' S T H E B E S T W A Y T O G E T T O T H E C H A L E T S ?
If you are staying in Chalet Belle Chery then we recommend you fly to Geneva, we will arrange your transfers and also shuttle you to the slopes each morning and get you back each evening. If you are staying in our apartment then we recommend that you either hire a car or drive out.
W H A T T I M E C A N I A R R I V E A T T H E C H A L E T A N D W H A T T I M E M U S T W E V A C A T E ?
This will change from week to week depending on arrival and departure times of yourselves and other guests, and we try to be as flexible as possible for all. However, as a rough guideline, arrival from 10am onwards and your rooms will be available from 4pm on your arrival date. If you are arriving earlier we can look after your luggage until you can move into the chalet. Just let us know in advance. You will need to vacate your room by 10am on your final day. It is possible that incoming and outgoing guests may overlap for part of the day, in order for us to offer the most flexible service to all our guests.
Our accommodation is a 10-minute drive from Morzine town center and only 3-minute drive from the closest ski lift - Chery Nord. Please see the interactive map on our website. We do not sell the chalet as a ski-in ski-out but we can assure you our staff will work around your timings to get to you the slopes when it suits you. You will also benefit from some of the best views in the Alps for being an additional 300m higher than Morzine. Chery Nord ski lift has minimal if any queues in the mornings, meaning you will get straight out of the mini bus and onto the lift at Mont Chery – the hidden gem of the Porte Du Soleil.
W I L L I E V E R B E C H A R G E D A S U R C H A R G E ?
We guarantee that you will not be charged a surcharge on your accommodation price unless there is action by the government eg VAT increases etc. All of our lift passes are priced in Euros and £ sterling price will be at the prevailing rate when the payment is processed - normally between two to four weeks before your holiday.
Please see our pages on price and availability for full details of what is included
We are very sorry but we are unable to accommodate pets – we have learnt that people’s thoughts on well behaved differ, and we have to consider our other guests.
For health and safety reasons our catered and non-catered chalets and apartments are totally non-smoking. You may smoke only on the balconies or outside and then you must not throw cigarette butts on the floor/snow, please use the ashtrays provided. If we identify smoking in our accommodation our staff and directors may ask you to leave the accommodation immediately.
In our catered chalet you may leave your bags in a vacant room as directed by the chalet staff and you may change in there, but we are sorry there will not be any shower facilities until your own rooms are available. We recommend that you do not leave anything of value in your luggage, as these rooms are usually available to all guests
W H A T D O E S Y O U R P R I C E I N C L U D E ?
C A N I T A K E M Y P E T S - E S P E C I A LL Y M Y W E L L B E H A V E D S M A L L D O G ?
C A N I S M O K E I N T H E C H A L E T ?
C A N I L E A V E M Y B A G S I F I A R R I V E E A R L Y O R L E A V E L A T E ?
The keys are special security keys that cannot be cut in resort, this will mean that the locks will have to be replaced and you will be charged the full amount for this.
In our self-catered apartments only, you will have to provide a credit or debit card number as a deposit. This is taken in case of any damage caused and in case you leave the apartment in a very dirty condition. We expect you to leave the apartment as you found it, which will be very clean and tidy.
W H A T H A P P E N S I F I L O S E M Y A P A R T M E N T K E Y ?
D O W E H A V E T O P A Y A D E P O S I T ?
WI I L L T H E R E B E E N O U G H H O T W A T E R ?
Due to the new refurbishment of the chalet and the apartment, both have had a brand new hot water system installed. Therefore there shouldn’t be any issues regarding hot water for showers and baths. That said, if everyone in the chalet had a shower / bath at the same time, pressures may drop temporarily and the hot water wouldn’t last forever.
We have high chairs and cot available for use, please let us know as soon as possible so we can ensure availability.
C A N I P R E B O O K A T R A V E L C O T & H I G H C H A I R ?
W H A T H A P P E N S I F I D O N 'T P A Y M Y F I N A L A C C O M O D A T I O N B A L A N C E O N T I M E ?
It is your responsibility to pay the full balance of your holiday at least 10 weeks before departure. If this has not been paid we will assume that you have cancelled your holiday and your deposit will be forfeited.
H O W D O I B O O K C A R H I R E ?
Usually your flight operator will offer discounted car rental with your flight, or you may be able to find a good deal though searching online. We do however recommend booking through the French side of Geneva airport, which is generally cheaper than the Swiss side. It is essential to ensure that your hire vehicle has snow tyres fitted.
Yes, you can drive out. It’s roughly 550 miles from Calais to Morzine, taking roughly 9 hours, depending on road and traffic conditions. It is French law to have your European car pack (please visit the AA website) within the car and we highly recommend chains for the mountain roads.
C A N I D R I V E O U T ?
In all resorts there are shops and supermarkets. Prices are often about 10 - 20% higher in the resorts, so if you are travelling by car you may wish to stock up in the valley at the larger supermarkets. If you would like to know where, please just ask upon booking.
There is enough parking for around 6 vehicles at our Chalet, please drive with care, as weather and road conditions can be bad at times.
I S T H E R E P A R K I N G ?
I S T H E R E A S U P E R M A R K E T ?
W H A T H A P P E N S I F I H A V E A N A C C I D E N T O N T H E M O U N T A I N S ?
We highly recommend that you have your own health insurance to cover you for snowsports, or purchase a lift ticket with Carte Neige (insurance included). This will then ensure that you are covered should an accident occur.
Depending on how badly you are hurt, you will either be taken off the mountain by the Pisteurs or you can visit one of the local medical centers. The doctors here are all excellent and well versed in the typical skiing accidents that can occur. Payment is then organised via your insurance policy - so read the small print!
People wishing to travel over the peak-dates (Christmas, New Year, Half-Term and Easter holidays) should start looking in the springtime to guarantee the largest choice and therefore, maximise their chances of finding the ideal holiday. These dates get booked up well in advance of the ski season even starting. However, do not panic - even if you think you have left it a bit late please do give our sales team a ring who will do their best to find some suitable options for you. Large groups should aim to book around the summer time.
W H E N S H O U L D I B O O K M Y N E X T S K I H O L I D A Y ?
W H A T H A P P E N S A F T E R I B O O K ?
Confirmation of your booking will be emailed to you within 24 hours from our bookings manager. You will also be sent our information pack via email for you to complete and return. The balance due date will be noted at this time.
Please have a look " YOUR STAY" page for our for a full list of local ski schools.
W H I C H S K I S C H O O L D O Y O U R E C C O M E N D ?
The tap water in the chalet is safe to drink - indeed, it has a wonderful 'fresh mountain stream' taste preferred by many to the bottled waters! However, we are happy to purchase bottled water (both still and sparkling) on your behalf for both table and bedroom.
C A N I D R I N K T H E T A P W A T E R I N T H E C H A L E T S / A P A R T M E N T S ?
H O W D O I B O O K M O R Z I N E & P O R T E D U S O LE I L L I F T P A S S E S & H I R E E Q U I P M E N T ?
We do not employ nannies but can recommend fully qualified nannies who are based in Morzine.
We are happy to bake a cake, arrange for special wines or champagne or book a restaurant for you. For the children we can even arrange birthday tea parties. We are also happy for you to decorate the chalet with balloons etc. Please let us know in the section on the booking form, prior to arrival.
This will be arranged for around 6pm, leaving you to enjoy your meal later in the evening.
You can pre- order your lift passes through us which will then be ready and waiting for you upon arrival. Please see YOUR STAY page for various lift pass options and prices.
Our guests can also recieve discounts on ski equipment rental when pre-booked through our partners "All Mountain Rental" who will deliver to the chalet on your first evening for fitting. Please see YOUR STAY page for a link to their website.
W H A T T I M E W I L L T H E C H I L D R E N H A V E T H E I R E A R L Y E V E N I N G M E A L ?
D O P R E S T I G E M O U N T A I N C H A L E T S P R O V I D E C H I L D C A R E S E R V I C E ?
W E W O U L D L I K E T O A R R A N G E A B I R T H D A Y C E L E B R A T I O N C A N Y O U H E L P W I T H T H I S ?
W H A T M E A L S A R E S E R V E D I N T H E C H A L E T & W H A T D R I N K S A R E P R O V I D E D ?
Delicious meals are prepared daily by our talented chef. Please view our daily service and sample menu on our website. House wines and soft drinks are available in unlimited supply and welcome drinks will also be prepared for your first evening. We also have an honesty bar for beers and something slightly stronger.
We can cater for any dietary requirements, just let us know in advance of your arrival, on the booking form.
S O M E O F O U R G R O U P H A V E D I E T A R Y R E Q U I R E M E N T S - C A N Y O U C A T E R F O R T H E S E ?
W H E R E D O T H E C H A L E T S T A F F L I V E ?
Our Chalet staff have their own, separate accommodation within the building, giving our guests their privacy. They will provide house keeping, hosting, prepare and serve meals and drinks for you in the chalet.
Our Chalet staff will provide a housekeeping and hosting service every day, except on their one day off . On that day, a continental breakfast and afternoon tea will be left for you to help yourselves. They will be on hand to tidy away breakfast and lay out the afternoon tea. Morzine has a wide selection of restaurants, which our chalet staff will be happy to recommend and book for you for that evening. You will still be provided with a morning shuttle to the slopes and return shuttle back to the chalet.
W H A T H A P P E N S O N T H E C H A L E T S T A F F S D A Y O F F ?
Our staff can recommend qualified local therapists who will visit the chalet if you would prefer to be pampered in the comfort of your own room. A lovely range of bath & shower gel, soap, shampoo and body lotion is supplied, and all bedrooms have hair dryers.
C A N Y O U H E L P U S A R R A N G E M A S S A G E & B E A U T Y T R E A T M E N T S D U R I N G O U R S T A Y ?
A R E T V , D V D , S A T E L L I T E , W I F I & T E L E P H O N E F A C I L I T I E S A V A I L A B L E ?
All these facilities are available, as well as I-pod docking station.
C A N I I N V I T E M Y F R I E N D S F O R D R I N K S O R F O R D I N N E R ?
You are welcome to invite friends for drinks or dinner. However, we do ask that you give at least 24hrs notice to the chalet staff. Extra guests for dinner will be restricted by the amount of space at the dining table and a large drinks or dinner party may require extra staff and or food, for which there may be a charge.
C A N W E B R I N G O U R O W N W I N E O R D R I N K S ?
You are welcome to send your own wine or drinks in advance of arrival or bring them with you.
D O Y O U R E C O M M E N D W E T A K E O U T H O L I D A Y I N S U R A N C E ?
Without question we recommend that you have adequate insurance cover. From disruptions to your travel plans to unforeseen accidents, good insurance will ensure you are compensated or cared for as well as possible.
Whilst we hope that you will not need to, we do appreciate that you may have to cancel your holiday. Prestige Mountain Chalets Terms and Conditions (please visit our website) will apply, so please ensure that you have read them closely. These are available for your perusal under 'Availability and Pricing'.
Again, we do recommend that you have insurance that adequately covers you for unforeseen circumstances which may result in you needing to cancel your holiday.
Our Customer Services Manager is available to help organise the finer details of your holiday. Whilst they may not be in the office at all times, an email will receive a speedy response or you are welcome to call during office hours to speak directly with them.
Once you are in resort, our Chalet Manager should be able to help with most requests, but do feel free to call our office or the emergency contact provided by our staff at the beginning of your stay should you need to.
C A N I C A N C E L M Y H O L I D A Y ?
C A N I C O N T A C T T H E O F F I C E A T A N Y T I M E ?
D O I H A V E T O P R E - B O O K S K I I N G E Q U I P M E N T & L E S S O N S B E F O R E A R R I V A L ?
No, you do not have to pre-book any services before you arrive to stay with us. However, we do recommend that you do so to ensure a smooth transfer from chalet to slopes.
Our hire partner All Mountain Rental are available to collect and collate your information and reserve quality ski equipment to be delivered to, and fitted in our chalet - no queuing in busy shops. You can find booking forms and contant numbers for All Mountain Rental at www.allmountainrental.com . On your departure the equipment will be collected from the chalet.
If you have difficulty getting equipment hire information from some of your group members, we can arrange for a chalet visit from All Mountain Rental, who will take full details and return later with the required equipment.
Ski instruction (whether with a private instructor, guide or group lesson) is best reserved in advance. We have a list of contacts who we trust to ensure you have a great snow holiday and will meet the requirements of your group. Please go to YOUR STAY page for links to the company websites.
Tipping is completely at your discretion but please ask your bookings manager if you require guidelines. If you would like to leave tips for the chauffeurs, nannies or beauty therapists, your chalet manager will be happy to provide envelopes.
We supply a basic starter pack of cleaning materials and toilet paper but this may not be enough for your holiday. We recommend that you take some basics with you such as tea, coffee, bread etc. The kitchen equipment is generally described in the information we provide and the apartment has a kettle, toaster, microwave as well as dishwasher, washing machine, gas hob and electric oven. In addition it has a large TV and DVD player - please bring your own DVD’s to watch. We do not supply any adaptors for electrical items so please bring these with you.
Generally with a Saturday changeover chalet staff will have Wednesday off. If you would like to change your chalet staff day off we ask that you give us at least 4 weeks notice and we will do all we can to oblige.
D O I N E E D T O T I P T H E S T A F F ?
W H I C H D A Y O F F D O T H E S T A F F H A V E, I S I T F L E X I B L E ?
W H A T W I L L B E I N M Y S E L F - C A T E R E D A P A R T M E N T ?
D O I H A V E T O F I L L O U T A B O O K I N G F O R M ?
Please fill out our enquiry form which can be found on the BOOKING page of our website or call us on 02380 266453 / 07775 866 632. We will then send you a booking form with deposit information (10% of full holiday cost), once both have been returned, your booking will be confirmed.